Sunday, November 23, 2008

Feel free to giggle!

Since we've been in Germany I've been obsessed about making sure Robert has plenty of winter clothes: coats, gloves, hats. I'm still missing the boots and the snowsuit, but with a blanket in the stroller I don't have to worry about him freezing when we go outside. So in all that guess who I forgot about....ME! I have NO snowboots, NO gloves, and apprently after frantically searching through boxes and crates today NO winter coat. The snow started on Friday and it's supposed to snow every day at least until Wednesday. So today I was out brushing snow off the car (I left it out of the garage overnight ie I clean the snow off ;) ) in my Old Navy sweatshirt, in my tennis shoes, and no gloves. Two years in California has melted my brain! ARGH!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

That is hilarious. I am sorry, that is not nice. However, it is funny. Sometimes it has to snow to help you remember to take care of yourself. Being a mom is great, but sometimes we overlook ourselves too much in trying to make sure our kids are taken care of. Such is live. Enjoy the snow!