Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Hmm so I see I've been tagged by Rebecca. I'm new to this whole thing so bear with me.

Here are the rules: 1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 other bloggers by linking them

So quirks hmmm....
1) This one I always come back to and that is I hate when someone pulls out in front of you and THEN goes slow. I do not mind if someone is impatient and needs to pull out and get going, but if they are that impatient then they better put the pedal to the metal!!!
2) Gross things make me gag. Most people would say well yes, but I do not mean the sight of gross things. Just the discussion of things like spitting or snot can get me gagging. My husband thinks this is funny. Sometimes he will talk about gross stuff just to get me going.
3) Children running around like little heathens in public places while their parents act like they don't see/hear them. Oh yes I know what goes around comes around, and I know back in the day my brothers and I were the fab 5 troublemakers. (well fab 4 Bill was always a good boy). However that doesn't change the fact that in a mall or at the grocery store if you brought your children you should be concious of the fact that they are screaming, playing tag, or knocking things off the shelves. This stems from my banking days when I had to tell a couple who was doing a loan closing "Look your 3 year old is WALKING OUT OF THE BANK". Don't read this wrong I have a huge tolerance for children and what they are capable of it's the parents not even TRYING and just ignoring the kids that gets me going.
4) I sware I'm not trying to copy Rebecca, but this is one of mine too and I also just got yipped at by my loving husband for this flaw. I watch movies/shows over and over and over. Scrubs, Charmed, and Friends are just a few of the many. Right now I"m watching season 6 of Friends over again.
5) I don't like it when people mess with my plans. I have a bit of OCD, and I plan things out ahead of time. I run through it in my head and plan out every possible scenario and prepare for said scenarios. If someone were to screw this up I get insanely upset!
6) Ok and this last one I picked up in California because we had cable. I must have a pop up program guide for the cable. We stayed in a hotel for a week during our move and I couldn't get to the program guide and it bugged the heck out of me. (Plus my mom wanted to watch Star Trek Voyager....who watches that?) Yes I am a modern woman and I must have that guide/info feature on the remote or I can't handle it.

Ok so for my first one of these. I'm not tagging others. My reasons are two-fold. 1) I have no idea who all is reading this. It may just be Rebecca, Laura and Grandma. and 2) I don't know how to "link" people. Still new to the blog jargon.

PS - I'd like to give a shout out to Uncle Lorin for his win! =) Tell him congratulations for me. I was crazily googling the day after election day until I found the article saying he won. I know there was no competition but Congrats to him anyway =)


Laura said...

Those were fun to read!! And I love the picture in the last post with the horse that looks like he is going to eat Robert. It is cute.

Bridget said...

My son is so funny. That didn't even scare him to have that horse get in his face. He does have his things but apparently a big giant horse head in his face is not one of them.

MMThueson said...

I Love Your quirks, and totally agree with people pulling out in front of you, and I like to plan my days too don't mess with my plans or I get really grumpy to deal with. Your son is so cute!

Bridget said...

See I think that planning thing is a Nielsen trait. I think I inherited it!

Rebecca said...

Congrats on your first tag. You did great. I am glad everyone has quirks and that is just okay. It is nice to know that I am not the only one that does what I do. Have a good day!