Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Robert on his new bounce and spin zebra. Still trying to figure it out.

We bought these foam number sets to make a mat for him to play on. The numbers pop out. He loves the number 3.

This is my Christmas present from Dave. They are hand painted, and signed by the artist. She is either Eastern European or Russian by the sound of her accent.

Twas the night before Christmas.

Standing alone. I finally got a picture of him standing by himself which is his latest thing. Too bad he closed his eyes for it.
We had a wonderful Christmas here. Just the 3 of us! I still miss family and home and friends, but we opened presents and had fun playing with them. Daddy got a new PS3 so he was really excited. I got those Buschka Dolls, and Robert of course made out like a bandit. I hope all of you also had a wonderful Christmas.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

December Pictures

Success he captured the pop tart!

Working REALLY hard to pick up the Smore's pop tart.

More Love to the Christmas tree. Yes he IS standing by himself. He's supporting his foot with the present but STILL.

I love this picture. It cracks me up whenever I see it.

Still so proud when he pulls himself up on furniture

So it's been an eventful past few weeks for us.
Thanksgiving was wonderful I gained a new way so make Turkey. Our friend that was visiting gave me some marinading and basting tips that made the turkey super anyone that wants to come visit for Thanksgiving next year there will be fabulous turkey!
Robert had his 18 month check up last week. His pediatrician sent us back to a neurologist for a follow up on his condition. Which was routine, but Dave and I hear neurologist and our heart sinks. It took us 45 minutes to get to Olga Hospital in downtown Stuttgart. Somehow we got registered and found the neurologist. He warned us his English wasn't great. Yarg! They ended up taking blood to test for anything that may be genetic or more serious. They couldn't get enough blood out of the vein in his arm so he took it from a vein in his head. The doctor gave me a bonnbonn (candy) for being such a good sport while they did that. He emailed us that night to say that everything is fine. So we're sticking with Benign Hypotonia. However if after another 6 months he doesn't improve then he's going to do a muscle biopsy. I'm not horribly worried because he's made so much progress in the last 2 months, but keep Robert in your prayers just in case. We also thanks to the wonder of google FINALLY found the EDIS Program here in Stuttgart. Early Development Intervention. It's on base and they evaluate the child and set up a plan. Their goal is to have them ready for kindergarten. The woman is coming tomorrow to evaluate Robert and get a plan in place. We're excited about that. So that's our recent excitement and why I haven't been so diligent about blogging. I love reading everyone's blogs and seeing how everyone is doing.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sick Baby Blues!

I have 4 Stuffed animals tucked in the corners of the crib so he doesn't bang his head. He had to have pried that animal out of the corner to get it. So apparently he has a favorite stuffed animal.

So anyway I'm at my worst as a mother when my child is sick. I just want to go to sleep and wake up and have him be better. It KILLS me to see him be sick. I wish I could be sick for him! Dave brought a cold home from work and both of them have runny noses and coughing all over the place. When Robert is sick he's SUPER grumpy and nothing makes him happy. Nothing nothing nothing. I don't know how mom's do it when they have 3 or 4 kids. I struggle with one. =(. Sorry this isn't that positive! I'd love to hear how you other mom's deal with it.