Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where did he get all that hair? or They grow up so fast

This is Robert looking so handsome this morning. (16 months old)

This is Robert back in February at 8 months old.
I figured if I was going to have the blog I needed to post occasionally so people will have things to look at =)
This morning Robert was looking quite handsome so I had to get some pictures of him. I was flipping through my old albums last night and found that other picture of him with no hair. I don't remember when it came in but it's here. Haha.
Not much else to say. Fall is in full swing here. Still no snow. Over here we change time a week before they do in the states. It's kind of offsetting. Already it's pitch black at 5:30pm! By December I think it's going to be dark at 3pm!


Laura said...

He sure is a cute kid!! And he definitely is growing up fast. Are you going to let his hair get a little longer or cut it short?

Bridget said...

No no we've already cut his hair once. We're definitely going to cut it again. It's just that somehow in the move we lost all 3 pairs of scissors we have. People already call him a girl sometimes when we are out and about!

Rebecca said...

He is so cute. I am so glad he is doing well. He is tall!
That is crazy that you turn your clocks ahead of us. It must be different living in a new climate and country. Snow will soon be falling. I love that snow makes the world seem brighter since the sun and all light reflects off the snow. That seems to make it easier to be inside, atleast for me.