Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where did he get all that hair? or They grow up so fast

This is Robert looking so handsome this morning. (16 months old)

This is Robert back in February at 8 months old.
I figured if I was going to have the blog I needed to post occasionally so people will have things to look at =)
This morning Robert was looking quite handsome so I had to get some pictures of him. I was flipping through my old albums last night and found that other picture of him with no hair. I don't remember when it came in but it's here. Haha.
Not much else to say. Fall is in full swing here. Still no snow. Over here we change time a week before they do in the states. It's kind of offsetting. Already it's pitch black at 5:30pm! By December I think it's going to be dark at 3pm!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our first Post

Robert enjoying a King's Hawaiian Roll
My family.
Our beautiful house

Well here I go. I'm pretty dilligent on MSN spaces and MYSpace, but I'll get this thing figured out. Right now we live in a small town called Althengstett, Germany. My husband works at Patch Barracks in Stuttgart-Vaihingen. Oh yeah he's in the Navy. We live about 30-35 minutes from work/base, but it's totally worth it for our house.

Our son is 16 months old. He's an absolute joy to us. He's still not walking yet because he has some muscle tone issues. He gets to be in physical therapy. The interesting thing about military medicine in this area is we get referred out to the Germans for anything above basic treatment. So tricare (our insurance company) had to scour the countryside for pediatric physical therapists. The tricare liason had a list and called me with a couple of places. She then went through the task of calling them to find out if they spoke English and if they would take us. The first place she called spoke NO English, but she referred her to a small place right here in town. Yes we were very blessed to have a place 4 blocks from here. It takes me 10 minutes to walk there. They have a therapist that speaks English.

So that's about all that's exciting here. I'm learning to deal with going from big city life to tiny village life. I haven't had McDonald's since we've been here. We're savings about $100/week not being able to order pizza!